★【京誠】★ ★【京誠】★ 中壢.平鎮.楊梅.龍潭.八德.蘆竹.桃園.龜山.新屋.大溪.大園.南崁.觀音.龍岡.埔心.內壢.山仔頂值得推薦的房屋二胎 房屋借錢 當日撥款喔! 新竹房屋二胎 新竹房屋二胎 竹北房屋二胎 新豐房屋二胎 湖口房屋二胎 新埔房屋二胎 竹東房屋二胎 芎林房屋二胎 關西房屋二胎 寶山房屋二胎 峨嵋房屋二胎 北埔房屋二胎 橫山房屋二胎 五峰房屋二胎 尖石房屋二胎 全省服務豐原房屋借款 西屯房屋借款 北屯房屋借款 南屯房屋借款 烏日房屋借款 大里房屋借款 沙鹿房屋借款 清水房屋借款 太平房屋借款 新社房屋借款 大雅房屋借款 大甲房屋借款 后里房屋借款 梧棲房屋借款 神岡房屋借款 龍井房屋借款 大肚房屋借款 石岡房屋借款 潭子房屋借款 外埔房屋借款 東勢房屋借款 霧峰房屋借款 和平房屋借款 東區房屋借款 南區房屋借款 西區房屋借款 北區房屋借款 中區房屋借款 全省房屋二胎三胎借款,土地借款 土地持分借款( 建地,農地,山坡地,林地及各種科目土地都可,持分也可以借款) 全省服務 土地一胎借款,二胎借款,三胎借款 台中.大安.大甲.外埔.清水.神岡.后里.東勢.梧棲.沙鹿.大雅.潭子.豐原.石岡.新社.龍井.西屯.北屯.大肚.南屯.西區.北區.東區.南區.太平.大里.烏日.霧峰.中區.和平.北投.士林.內湖.松山.中山區.大同區.中正區.信義區.大安區.文山區.萬華.南港.宜蘭.頭城.礁溪.壯圍.員山.羅東.五結.三星.冬山.蘇澳.大同.南澳.中壢.平鎮.楊梅.龍潭.八德.蘆竹.桃園.龜山.新屋.大溪.大園.南崁.觀音.龍岡.埔心.內壢.山仔頂.基隆.七堵.八堵.安樂.中山.仁愛.信義.中正.暖暖.五堵.新北市.烏來.三峽.新店.石碇.坪林.鶯歌.樹林.土城.新莊.板橋.中和.永和.深坑.平溪.雙溪.貢寮.瑞芳.汐止.三重.泰山.林口.八里.五股.蘆洲.淡水.三芝.萬里.石門.金山.新竹.竹北.竹東.新豐.關西.湖口.新埔.峨眉.尖石.五峰.橫山.芎林.北埔.寶山.高雄.楠梓.台南.永康.嘉義.彰化.南投.金門.台東.屏東.花蓮.澎湖.房屋二胎借款,房屋借款,二胎借款,當日撥款,急用借款,房屋三胎,急用借錢,低利貸款,低利借款,利息最低,房屋二胎,二胎增貸,土地借款,土地二胎,三胎借款,二胎,三胎,借款,貸款,增借,增貸,農地借款,農地二胎,持分,持分借款,房屋持分,土地持分,房屋貸款,房屋增貸,房屋增借,土地貸款,土地增貸201712114 ★【京誠】★ 2018-04-12 03:00
SILENT: Kuan Chung-ming has yet to provide an explanation for the allegations, necessitating the government to establish a task force, the education minister said
By Ann Maxon / Staff reporter
Minister of Education Pan Wen-chung (潘文忠) yesterday called on National Taiwan University (NTU) president-elect Kuan Chung-ming (管中閔) to respond to allegations that he had illegally worked in China, saying that Kuan’s appointment would not be approved if a government task force found the allegation to be true.
Kuan was elected the university’s president on Jan. 5 and has since been accused of conflict of interest, plagiarism and having illegally taught in China.
He was originally scheduled to take office on Feb. 1.
The Ministry of Education will not approve Kuan’s appointment if he were found to have illegally worked in China, Pan told a meeting of the legislature’s Education and Culture Committee.
According to the Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators (教育人員任用條例), public university professors cannot hold part-time positions at institutions in China, he said.
On March 16, the ministry received reports that Kuan had illegally worked in China on 28 occasions, Pan said.
“No one knows better about what happened than professor Kuan himself, but he has not said anything to help clarify things. The ministry therefore had to put in extra effort to form an interministerial task force to investigate the allegations,” he said, adding that the task force is expected to reach a conclusion later this month.
The minister urged Kuan to follow the example set by Minister of the Interior Yeh Jiunn-rong (葉俊榮), who faced similar allegations.
“Just as Minister Yeh has explained the situation as soon as an allegation surfaced, it is important that the accused help clarify things. It is their right and obligation to do so,” he said.
The education ministry welcomes Kuan to provide information about the allegations, he added.
Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) member Yu Shu-hui (游淑慧) on Tuesday accused Yeh of having taught illegally at Zhejiang University’s Guanhua Law School from Dec.19, 2011, to Jan. 15, 2012, while he was a professor at NTU.
Yu, who is running for a Taipei City Council seat, posted on Facebook a screenshot of the university’s Web site showing Yeh as a lecturer for a course.
Yeh denied having illegally taught in China, saying he did not receive payment for the lectures and that the course’s instructor was the law school’s then-vice president Zhu Xinli (朱新力).
It was the only time he lectured in China, he said, adding that he has given speeches on several other occasions.
Asked whether there is a double standard in the way the education ministry handled Kuan’s and Yeh’s cases, Pan said he was not defending Yeh.
The ministry’s Department of Personnel found that Yeh’s explanation matches NTU’s attendance and business trip records, he said.
However, the Chinese-language United Daily News yesterday alleged that Yeh had also taught at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China’s Hubei Province.
The report, which included a screenshot of the university’s Environmental and Resources Law Institute Web site listing Yeh as one of its “academics,” increased calls for investigations into Yeh’s career history.
The interior ministry yesterday reiterated that Yeh had only given lectures at the Zhejiang institute and said the latest screenshot does not prove that he was a lecturer at the Hubei institution.
Yeh is a renowned academic and has given many talks around the world, the ministry said, adding that the institutions might list his name on their Web sites to promote talks or other academic events.